The Morning Show Focuses on ‘Send a kid to Camp,’ CSN’s Mission May 20 Written By John Dodge Community Service of Newburyport(CSN) Executive Director Ray Pillidge discusses the organization’s mission while CSN board members Lesa Scott (l.) and Julie Ganong explain the importance of the raffle to raise money to send kids to camp. The annual raffle is one of CSN’s most important events of the year. Click here to listen. John Dodge
The Morning Show Focuses on ‘Send a kid to Camp,’ CSN’s Mission May 20 Written By John Dodge Community Service of Newburyport(CSN) Executive Director Ray Pillidge discusses the organization’s mission while CSN board members Lesa Scott (l.) and Julie Ganong explain the importance of the raffle to raise money to send kids to camp. The annual raffle is one of CSN’s most important events of the year. Click here to listen. John Dodge