Our Partners
Anchor of Hope Diapers
Anchor of Hope Diaper Bank provides
free diapers to families in need through
already existing agencies and organizations.
Leeward Light, Inc.
Our mission is to recycle, reuse and renew for charity. Our objective is to feed, clothe and comfort our neighbors in need.
Our Neighbors’ Table
Our Neighbors’ Table is committed to establishing a community that provides for the whole person with nourishing food, kindness, and dignity.
The Pettengill House, Inc.
The Pettengill House, Inc. is a nonprofit community social service agency providing comprehensive case management, basic needs support, emergency assistance, crisis intervention, and an array of essential programs and services for individuals, children, and families of all ages across nine Massachusetts communities.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.