Welcome to the new CSN Testimonials page. These letters are from clients, organizations and donors expressing their appreciation for all good work we do. Client names are removed to protect their confidentiality.


Dear Pam (Gray, CSN Program Manager),

Thank you so much for helping to get my car fixed and back on the road again. I have many medical appointments and was without my car for two weeks. I am so grateful to be able to drive myself and not need to try to arrange public transportation now that my car is fixed. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity. It is so appreciated.

A CSN client



Dear Pam (Gray, CSN Program Manager),

I wanted to thank you for your help when I really needed it most. You were very kind and gracious.

Sincerely, a CSN Client



Dear Pam (Gray, CSN Program Manager),

It was a pleasure meeting you recently and learning about the services that your organization offers. Thank you so much for the time you spent with me going over forms, and for the gift cards, which have been a huge help to me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get the paperwork done for Monday night for Bob Gould’s meeting. Life threw a couple more challenges my way in the past week, so I’ll try to get that done soon.


A CSN Client


This extraordinary note came into the CSN office in January, 2024.

The Prince Fund just held our Annual Meeting to disburse funds to local charity groups. Of course, Community Service went right to the top of the list! We voted to pass on $500 to be used for basic necessities of our neighbors in need. I’m sure you’ll know just where it can be best used. Thanks so much for all that you do!


Diane Hawkins-Clark

January 3, 2024, posted 1/23/24


Dear Pam (CSN Social Worker), Community Service of Newburyport,

Thank you for your kindness, support, and generosity. I promise to pay it forward.

With gratitude,

A Client, 11/2023, posted 1/16/24


I would love to thank you all for the wonderful care and compassion you have given me. I wish

you all a wonderful New Year.

Love always,

A Client, 11/2023, posted 1/16/24


To everyone at Community Service,

I am very grateful for your generous hearts. Thank you for the help. It made an enormous difference to our household.


A client from Plum Island



Dear Pamela (Social Worker at Community Service),

A huge thank you to you and Community Service for helping me during a most trying time. You were so gracious and understanding. I am so grateful. Birthday was great thanks to you. Also, thank you for your birthday wishes.

A client



Dear Pam and Sarah, (Social Workers at Community Service),

I wanted to express my thanks and the appreciation I have for you both and your organization. The assistance you provided me and my children for their summer activities has helped us so much! My sons really enjoyed their 2 weeks of summer camp at St. John’s Prep and my daughter is about to begin her driver’s ed classes in order to get her permit. It would have been a struggle for me to cover these expenses on my own, so I am grateful for the opportunities they were able to have thanks to you. You are a great resource to our community and I feel lucky

I found you! Thank you so much!

A client

Thanks, John, Barbara



A lovely card that was decorated with hearts and flowers, was delivered to the Community Service of Newburyport, Inc. (CSN) office from a local family who received campership support for four of their five children. CSN sent all four kids to two full weeks of any camp of their choosing. The children went to a YWCA camp, a basketball camp, a horseback riding camp and another sports camp. The Social Worker for the family shared that they had such a wonderful summer! The youngest child, who was about 4-years-old, delivered a thank you card in person to me at the CSN office. The card said, “Thank you, Ms. Pam and ‘friends’ for a very fun summer.” The Social Worker for the family expressed tremendous gratitude on behalf of the children and their parents!

Click here to see the card.

— Pam Gray, CSN Program Manager & Social Worker



Dear CSN social workers Pam (Gray) and Sara (Welch)

I wanted to express my thanks,  and appreciation I have for you both, and for your organization. The assistance you provided me and my children for their summer activities has helped so much! My sons really enjoyed their two weeks of summer camp at St. John's Prep and my daughter is about to begin her driver's ed classes to get her permit. It would have been a struggle for me to cover these expenses on my own, so I am grateful for the opportunities they were able to have , thanks to you. You are a great resource to our community , and I feel lucky I found you! Thank you so much"

From a parent of a campership recipient, August, 2023


The Artists Playground

Remember how many of us donated money to Community Service of Newburyport a couple of weeks ago? It was so a few kids could go to the summer camp of their choice for free. Well, Joanne Hajjar won the 5th basket which held many gifts. I only remember a couple of the gifts, there were two iconic scenes painted by local professional artists.

Beautiful! Being an artist herself she appreciated the paintings. Joanne especially loved the generous gift cards from local restaurants (to the tune of about $500). We were all thrilled for her. One of our other students’ daughter-in-law won one of the other baskets.

This is exciting for all of us not to mention knowing our donations went to an incredibly worthy cause. Thank you to The Community Service of Newburyport & all the volunteers that are doing a terrific job serving our community.

Posted on Facebook June 23, 2023 by Artist Pat Lutz for one of her students winning a Campership Fest Raffle gift basket.


Dear Pam and Community Service, Thank you for your kindness, support and generosity. I promise to pay it forward. With gratitude, (a client).

April 30, 2023


Dear Community Service ,Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Your kindness is "Kindtagious!"  In Peace, (a client).

April 25, 2023


Hi Pam,Today a parent called me, returning my voicemail.I had called to see if she was interested in sending her children to camp again this summer. She called to inform me that she is currently living in NH and would not need camp for her children. She thanked me for reaching out to her and said she wanted to share a "Huge heartfelt Thank You! "  to CSN for all they did for her children in assisting with summer camp in the past , which she said "helped get them through the divorce.

So nice to hear!!
Sara Welch, CSN Social Worker

April 3, 2023


Hi Pam,

I was overwhelmed by the gratitude expressed by the parents I spoke to regarding camperships for their child/children and wanted to share a conversation with one in particular. The mom expressed that summer is difficult as she works fulltime and her child goes between her husband and her. Having a camper opportunity for her child that is paid for is so extremely helpful. She profusely thanked us and said that this “made her day” and then said, “no, it made my summer.”

Sara A. Welch, social worker,

March 24, 2023


Dear Ray (Pillidge, exec. dir.),

Thank you so much for your most generous gifts of $500 each for a total of $1000 to be used for our Food Program. This will help so much for us to continue to provide hot meals to our neighbors in need. We are blessed to have organizations like yours recognized the need to reach out to assist us. Thank you again.

Jan Kolman, President/Society of St. Vincent de Paul

January 13, 2021


Dear Wonderful People at NBPT Community Service,

Thank you so much for your donation of $500 to Central’s Saturday Breakfast Program. We are so pleased to provide breakfast” to our community and serve those in need of a meal.

Thanks again.

Central Church Outreach


Dear Ray,

On behalf of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Team at Congregational Church, I want to thank Community Service of Newburyport for the recent grant to our program. The need for a warm meal continues to be very important to our guests each week and your support of this effort is very much appreciated.

All the best,

Jeff Gray


Thank you for the generous donation to the West Newbury Food Pantry during the holiday season. We are very fortunate to have the support of the community. We were able to distribute 25 bags of special holiday food to our participants. Happy Holidays.

Warm Regards,

Christine Marshall, West Newbury Council on Aging

June 6, 2022


Dear Members of Community Service of Newburyport,

Thank you so very much for your generous donation of $500.00 as well as all of the personal care packages. It is through the generosity of our community that we have been able to assist our neighbors in need with food and household items. In 2020 and 2021, we were able to also do some grocery shopping for our elders in town. Most of our clients are Seniors, so having the funds to buy items for specific needs is very helpful. We service two families with small children and also being able to purchase the correct sized diapers is so appreciated. We are grateful for your generosity.

The Staff and Clients, West Newbury Food Pantry

January 3, 2022


Barbara and CSN Board,


May the warmth of our community fill the space between us this holiday season. Thank you for your generous support of Our Neighbor’s Table. It was such a challenging year for so many. On behalf of all of us here at ONT, wishing you and yours a happy and healthy New Year.



Dear Ray,

Thank you so much for the very generous donation of personal care products to First Parish Church Newbury Food Pantry. These will be given out at the Pantry, all much needed supplies.

God Bless,

Jane Merrow

February 1, 2022


Dear Friends at Community Service of Newburyport,

On behalf of St. Basil’s Ministries of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Newburyport, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the Board of Directors of Community Service for your very generous contribution of $500. … These funds will be used for our St. Basil’s Kitchen Meals Program which consistently serves the ever-growing need in the Newburyport community. The continuous generosity of Community Service of Newburyport is truly appreciated by our church ministry and especially by our grateful guests at St. Basil’s Kitchen. Thank you for all that you do for the Community of Greater Newburyport!


Arthur C. Housianitis, St. Basil’s Ministries, Treasurer

August 14, 2022


Dear Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the kind donation that you made to The Salvation Army. Your total donation of $500 will help support our ongoing programs and services. For tax purposes no goods or services were exchanged for your donation. Thank you once again for your support.


Todd Hughes, Major (Corps Officer)


Dear Ray,

Thank you for the generous donation of personal care items for the West Newbury Food Pantry. Our food pantry has been a success because of donations like yours. We look forward to continued growth and serving more clients. It was a pleasure to meet Susie Galvin and I look forward to collaborating with your agency in the future.

Best Regards,

Christine Marshall, Council on Aging Director


Dear Ray,

We are grateful for your donation of $2000 to be distributed equally to the following Opportunity Works Programs: Day Habilitation, Explorers, and Community Based Day Services I and II. Your support for the people we support is much appreciated and is critical to the continuation of services that help lead to independence for people with disabilities. As our namesake notes, we have seized the “Opportunity” to think creatively develop and implement new systems and are able to extend our daily programs and services through this crisis. Our important work is being performed remotely, in a variety of ways, with the folks we support, who like YOU, are the heartbeat of OW! Opportunity Works will continue to be a model for the advancement of community integration, personal growth, and independence for individuals with disabilities. Our programs, services and events are made possible through your generosity, which contributes to options for independence and pride of accomplishment for the individuals we serve.

Thank you for your support.


Jane Harris-Fale, Executive Director

Community Service of Newburyport,

Enclosed check for $3,000 to enable you to serve your clients during this Thanksgiving Season. Thank you for the good work you do to help those in need.


Steven Stronge



Our Prince Fund had our Annual Meeting this week and we voted to send a donation of $500.00 to Community Service specifically to assist with electric bills. Would you be able to facilitate that? We’re all sending funds to Knights Oil ($2000.00) for heating bills. They match any donation. Thank you for all you do.

Diane H. Clark

December 30, 2022



For context, this is an overdue donation for a ‘pay it forward’ type of situation. My neighbor hosted an open house around Thanksgiving and gave out $40 pies for Buttermilk Baking Company. Wow! So generous. Wince I was planning to purchase a pie for Thanksgiving anyway and was now generously gifted one, my goal was to pay the $40 forward. Fast Forward to January and here I am just getting around to doing this. I may have first become aware of your organization through Nextdoor and a donation made sense to ‘keep it local”. At any rate, I hope this may help no matter when it is received. Thank you for the work you do supporting the community.


Joanna M.

To the Community Service “Elves,”

Thank you so very much for your amazingly thoughtful, huge, generous, incredible and significant Christmas gifts to me and my three daughters. We don’t have much in our lives, except for one another, but your thoughtful assistance to our family this holiday season has allowed us some comfort and a welcome change! We do not give enough thanks but we had to at least try. Please know that thanks to your kindness, caring, and charity, three little girls are on their way to having the coziest, most awesome and joyful, toy-filled, gift extravaganza, memorable Christmas! I find it very hard to bring myself to asking for help, but I do not regret for a second, reaching out.

Thank you so so so very much!

December 16, 2022


Hello, and God Bless You Sincerely!!

I picked up the Christmas envelope, and I am so very grateful for your kindness and help!!!...absolutely more than you know….But, the Lord Jesus knows, and he will reward you extra…

Thank you.


To all of the excellent people of Community Service,

I appreciate the help you all give of yourselves.


To The Staff and Volunteers of Newburyport Community Service,

Thank you so much for your generous gift. It helped me get through Christmas shopping with a little less stress and worrying. I am truly grateful to you for everything you do.

Kindest Regards.


Thank you so much for our visit, entertainment, acts of kindness, and gifts you gave to us. We will appreciate your efforts. Thank you so much again.


Dear Ray and staff of Community Service of Newburyport,

I want to thank you all for the assistance you gave me paying down my electric bill. It was To The Staff and Volunteers of Newburyport Community Service, Thank you so much for your generous gift. It helped me get through Christmas shopping with a little less stress and worrying. I am truly grateful to you for everything you do.

Kindest Regards.


Dear Ray and staff of Community Service of Newburyport,

I want to thank you all for the assistance you gave me paying down my electric bill. It was so generous and kind of all of you and I am so thankful and grateful.


Dear Community Service of NBPT,

I would like to thank you once again for your kindness and generosity. A Market Basket Gift Card is always a help when you are feeding a 15 and a 16 year old who eat like horses. I hope you are all well!

Kindest Regards.


Community Service of Newburyport,

I want to thank you for the gift card to Market Basket. It is very much appreciated and unexpected in these difficult times. I can’t wait to be able to walk about without worrying about Covid. I have received one shot and am scheduled for the second one soon. Thank you.


Dear Community Service of Newburyport.

Just a little note reaching out to thank you so very very much for sending the Market Basket gift cards! I actually could not make it right now without them. I use them for dog food, cleaning supplies, paper products, toiletries, and above all “Food”, the most important of them all… Every little bit helps. I can’t thank you enough. Every time I get that little card in the mail, I thank heavens above and need all of you to know how appreciative I am for those cards. They truly are a blessing. I hope to one day pay it forward but I just needed to let you all know how grateful I am.



Dear Patty,

Thank you so much for helping me in a time of need. It’s been a hard year. I so appreciate you. Thank you to the you people for the food every week. You’re always ready to step up and help out.

Thank you for all you do.
